Avoiding scams in the Rome housing rental market

The rental market can be a daunting place, especially for expats who might be unfamiliar with the local landscape. Unfortunately, scammers often prey on unsuspecting individuals. Here are some common scams to watch out for:

1. Identical Ads, Different Locations:

  • It’s not unusual to find the same property listed on various real estate sites. However, if identical photos are used for different addresses or towns, that’s a red flag. Before reaching out, use Google Images to cross-check, and verify the address on Google Maps.

2. Fake Airbnb Rentals:

  • Scammers may temporarily rent an Airbnb property and pass it off as their own. They might even arrange viewings, creating a false sense of security. Always be vigilant, even during seemingly legitimate visits.

3. Long-Distance Scams:

  • Some scammers claim to reside in another country, insisting on receiving your ID or payment before renting the property. They might include false links to well-known rental companies, leading to mirror sites designed to deceive. Stay cautious and verify details independently.

Protect Yourself from Rental Scams

1. Visit in person:

  • Always visit the property personally. Whether it’s the owner or a real estate agent, they should have the keys and be able to answer basic questions about the property. Be attentive to any inconsistencies in their responses.

2. Verify Property Online:

  • Check the property’s address online to confirm its legitimacy.

3. Research the Real Estate Agency:

  • Look up the real estate agency to ensure it exists. Genuine agencies will have a traceable online presence.

4. Sign before paying:

  • Never make any payments, whether in cash or through bank transfer, before signing a lease agreement.

5. Avoid Hasty Decisions:

  • Legitimate landlords and agencies take their time vetting tenants. If pressured for a quick decision or payment, exercise caution—it might be a scam.

6. If It’s Too Good to Be True… It Probably Is:

  • Be sceptical of overly attractive deals, especially in high-demand rental markets like Rome. If it seems like a bargain, it might be a scam.

Why Trust Me?

Wondering if I’m trustworthy? Here’s why you can count on me:

  • Google me! I use the same photo for my other business, offering transparency and authenticity.
  • You’ll meet me (either online or in person) before any transactions occur.
  • You get to try before you buy – your first enquiry is free. In fact, you can’t pay me upfront even if you want to.
  • My services are collaborative—I work with you, not for you. You initiate any enquiries, and you’re present at all viewings.

Navigating the rental market requires vigilance, especially for those who are new to Rome and unfamiliar with the language. You can rely on my expertise to help you stay informed and avoid scams.